For about fifteen years, the Polacchini Law Firm has been providing its consultancy work mainly in the field of civil law to individuals and companies, offering complete and timely protection, both by way of out-of-court advice and judicial assistance in disputes before the Judicial Authority.
The Firm prefers a pragmatic approach in solving queries submitted by customers. It does so by providing a preliminary clear and objective examination of the various aspects of the matter based on the examination of the rules of law involved. This is to allow the client to consciously choose the most functional strategy for the achievement of their expectations.
The Polacchini Law Firm is thus focused on achieving full success for the client, guaranteeing maximum transparency in their relationship, with particular regard to the financial aspect to be faced in relation to each alternative, as well as the foreseeable length of time could take to obtain the expected result.
The constant study and in-depth study of the subjects being dealt with, through continuous professional updating and access to the best legal databases, allows us to offer customers the most appropriate protection with respect to the most recent regulations and the most important judgments of civil jurisprudence.